Sunday, October 14, 2007

My Commentary

I think it is important to control the kids' diet because if kids only eat chocolate or sweet, they may become unhealthy and easy to get sick. If parents want to keep their children to eat more healthy food, I think they need to make their diet to be more attraction, for example putting some tomatoes so that it will be more colourful.
I was a picky eater too when I was small. When I was small, my favourite food was meat. If I had no meat, I won't eat anything. My mother always begged me to eat more vegetables instead of just eating meat but I felt very annoyed from her. Sometimes she even tried to hit me. But now I get better, I eat both vegetables and meat because I understand that only eat meat is not healthy.

1 comment:

Wootang01 said...

I'm glad, Sunny, that you have learned to eat meat and vegetables. I've learned to eat both, too, but nowadays I try to eat more vegetables than meat to keep fit.

It's funny that you mention tomatoes: another student in the class hates tomatoes!